
Create a flange coupling in minutes: BricsCAD Tips

You can create simple components like flange couplings quickly and easily in BricsCAD. Simply start with a 2D drawing and use BricsCAD’s intuitive 3D tools to create your 3D model. Let’s take a step-by-step look at how you can create a flange coupling. Create a circular profile Create arcs Arrays Extrude Create a hole Final touches And that’s it! Follow

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Inspection and validation for DfA made simple: the Assembly Inspect Tool in BricsCAD Mechanical

Manufacturers working in Design for Assembly (DfA) are always on the lookout for a way to simplify the assembly process, reduce their costs and improve efficiency, so we introduced the Assembly Inspect tool into BricsCAD Mechanical. While traditionally, engineers would test a product’s assembly feasibility during the prototype stage – often resulting in the need for multiple iterations and increased costs

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