What to do when you find an issue in BricsCAD®


Before you submit a support request

How to report a bug in BricsCAD

Submit a support request

  1. Open the Bricsys help center and select Contact Support
  2. Select a relevant category and fill in the form. Give us as much information as possible. Clearly indicate which version of BricsCAD and which OS you are using.

Try to answer the following questions:

  • What is the issue?
  • What are you doing in BricsCAD when the issue occurs?o Describe the scenario or steps how the issue can be reproducedo Upload sample files if the issue is present only for specific drawings
  • What is the result or behavior you expected?
  • Do you have any information that you believe the support team could find useful (screen shots, crash reports, etc…)
  • Is this an issue that stops you from working or do you already have a workaround?

Example support request

Title: Unit error exporting to PDF


When a metric drawing is exported to PDF and the PDF is opened in Adobe, the units of the document are imperial. This prevents me from exporting my drawings with BricsCAD and means I need to use another piece of software.

I would expect that a metric drawing would create a metric PDF.

This happens for multiple drawings. Please see attachments.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. New drawing from home page, use a mm template.
  2. Draw a shape in Model space.
  3. Export layout from paper space to PDF
  4. Open with Adobe PDF viewer
  5. Use measurement tool – dimensions are displayed in inches.

This error is also present in V22 and V21 and is different from AutoCAD.

Have you used or tried the new V23.2 features and have some ideas or suggestions?

Fantastic! We love hearing your thoughts on BricsCAD® – all feedback is welcome, whether good or bad. The best way to let us know what you think about BricsCAD or the new V23.2 features is to send us a support request, and our support team will be happy to help.

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